Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Preview: Los Llanos Orientals and What's to Come

Hey everyone, this is going to be short because the last blog entry I attempted to write didn't save correctly and my internet briefly went out. It has happened to all of us and it is frustrating because all of us hate wasting time. Sorry but this is the shorter (a little bit frustrated) version:

I just got back from an incredible trip over the past few weeks in the llanos orientales (eastern plains) of Colombia. Diego and I (check out his website at: have proudly hitchhiked over 960km/600mi across this region of the country (100% of our time in Meta done completely by hitchhiking). We have tons of photos to share with you and the rest of the world but we have a bit of a dilemma, over 80% of our photos are on different computers throughout the llanos. You see, before I went to Puerto Berrío, Antioquia to celebrate Christmas with my girlfriend I realized that I had left my 4GB memory card in my computer. Without sufficient funds I had to settle for a 1GB memory card which sounds good until one takes hundreds of photos at 8mega-pixels and video; it fills up fast. Therefore, Diego and I had to upload them onto other peoples' computers and put them into Diego's dropbox (basically an online hard-drive). We are still waiting for all of the photos to upload.

So hang tight everyone, it very well could be a few weeks until a few months before I receive all of the photos we had taken of this forgotten region of Colombia. Remember that blogs regarding Puerto Berrío, Ibagué, our trip through the llanos (Meta, Casanare, & Arauca), and working in the llanos will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

Here is the route we took over the course of one month (click to enlarge photo):

(BLACK = Diego & I / BLUE = Me solo)

In other updates, Diego and I are talking about redesigning this blog to give it a cleaner look and create my own website. I have a lot of thinking to do because I don't even know why I have a blog in the first place so imagine how I would feel having a website to deal with (it costs money). If the website paid for itself maybe.

That is all for now, I have a lot of work, studying and visa renewal to take care of in the upcoming weeks. Take care and please keep in touch.

Un abrazo de oso (a bear hug)


-Kevin Post

1 comment:

  1. P.S. If Diego and I ever get around to making my own website, that is if it pays for itself of course, it will be bilingual (hopefully multilingual with time).
