Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coming soo...eventually?

It's been a very long time since I've written "coming soon" for my website in the works and honestly it could be a few more months before things are up and running like they should be. Life has been very stressful and complicated for me; I'm paying for an apartment I'm not even living in, financially supporting my girlfriend while she goes for her masters in industrial engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in a committed long distance relationship, working two jobs and just barely getting by economically. However, with all of this sacrifice and hard work I will be able to visit Colombia every two to three months until my girlfriend Tomasa del Carmen obtains a visa to the United States. For those who know me, I look forward to returning for the eighth time because Colombia is a place that has too much in store for me; enough passion and exploration for decades to come.

With the help of several people close to me will be a publication and production based website/company focused primarily on rock-climbing, mountaineering, long distance trekking, cultural studies and living situations in some of the world's least talked about places and the places in between. We have several publications in the making that will blow your minds so stay in touch. It wont necessarily be a blog but you will be able to find some of our photos, writings and gear reviews on website such as, and possibly others.

We are very excited about things to come but we also have to be patient and wait for when time and money allows us to truly move forward.

See you soo...eventually. In the meantime check out my language log (current language mission is Turkish).

